Cold starter “Sirena” (tasting of all cold starters)€ 25,00Gluten free € 25,00 - Antipasto freddo degustazione
Marinated sardines with diced tomatoes, Tropea onion and green apple€ 15,00Gluten free € 15,00 - Sardoncini Marinati
Warm sea salad with crispy vegetables (shrimp, squid, mussels, clams and cuttlefish from our sea)€ 20,00Gluten free € 20,00 - Insalata di mare tiepida
Salmon marinated at “Mojito”€ 20,00Gluten free € 20,00 - Salmone marinato
Mediterranean style rays wings€ 19,00Gluten free € 19,00 - Ali di Razza
Fillets of “slightly” marinated surmullet on a bed of vegetables and citrus fruits with grated pink pepper€ 22,00Gluten free € 22,00 - Filetti di Triglia
raw fisches
Crudi are served plain on a bed of Avocado and Guacamole sauce on the side
Mixed 3 raw fishes (Tuna, Amberjack and Flathead mullet)€ 25,00Gluten free € 25,00 - Misto 3 Crudi
Oyster Shardana (sweet-salty balance)€ 7,00(From Sardinia, great balance between salinity and sweetness with a mineral finish) - Ostrica Shardana dolce-salato
Gillardeau Oyster€ 7,00(Gluten free € 7,00 - Gillardeau Ostrica )
Shrimp from our sea, for piece€ 4,00Gluten free € 4,00 - Mazzancolla nostrana al Pz
Red shrimpAccording to the market(Gluten free According to the market - Gambero Rosso)
Purple ShrimpAccording to the market(Gluten free according to the market - Gambero Viola)
Natural Flathead mullet from our sea€ 18,00Gluten free € 18,00 - Tartare di Cefalo
Natural amberjack tartare from our sea€ 22,00Gluten free € 22,00 - Tartare di Ricciola
Mediterranean Red Tuna tartare€ 22,00Gluten free € 22,00 - Tartare di Tonno Rosso

hot fish starters
Lupine clams “Alla Marinara”€ 16,00Gluten free € 16,00 - Vongole Lupino alla Marinara
Seafood gratinéed (Based on the market)€ 22,00Gluten free € 22,00 - Frutti di mare gratinati
Shrimps “alla Greca”€ 19,00Gluten free € 19,00 - Gamberi alla Greca
Lobster “alla Catalana” 80 gr of shelled lobster with crispy vegetables,
confit tomato, caramelized onion, caper flower and “Taggiasche” Olives€ 28,00Gluten free € 28,00 - Astice alla Catalana 80gr
first fish course
Mezze Maniche with Lobster ( 1/2 Lobster) (Typical pasta )€ 28,00Gluten free € 28,00 - Paccheri All'Astice
Gnocchi “alla Marinara” (shelled fish and tomato) (Typical pasta)€ 19,00Gluten free € 19,00 - Gnocchi alla Marinara
Chitarrine “allo Scoglio” (Seafood sauce) (Homemade Typical pasta)€ 19,00Gluten free € 19,00 - Chitarrine allo Scoglio
Mezzelune stuffed with Amberjack, Crustaceans and Ricotta Sauteed with aubergine cream soup and amberjack bottarga (Typical pasta)€ 22,00Gluten free € 22,00 - Mezzelune ripiene di Ricciola
Passatelli with shellfish, squid and yellow datterini (Typical pasta)€ 20,00Gluten free € 20,00 - Passatelli con Crostacei

main fish dishes
Shrimp and/or squid skewers€ 6,00Gluten free € 6,00 - Spiedini di Gamberi e/o di Calamari
Grilled local squid with potato foam€ 20,00Gluten free € 20,00 - Totani alla Griglia con spuma di patate
Local fish broth. Based on the market€ 24,00Gluten free € 24,00 - Brodetto di Pesce Nostrano
Red Tuna steak (gr 160) with “Squacquerone” (typical cheese) and sauteed herbs€ 25,00Gluten free € 25,00 - Tagliata di Tonno Rosso con Squacquerone
Baked amberjack slice from our sea with mashed potatoes with leeks€ 25,00Gluten free € 25,00 - Trancio Ricciola al Forno
Mixed fried fish “Sirena” with vegetables (sea vegetable)€ 22,00Gluten free € 22,00 - Fritto Misto “Sirena”
Grilled prawn, for piece€ 6,50Gluten free € 6,50 - Scampo alla Griglia al Pz
Mixed Grilled Fish (Fish catched of the day according to the market)€ 25,00Gluten free € 25,00 - Grigliata mista di Pesce
meat starters
Pumpkin Soup with Wellbeing Seeds€ 11,00Vellutata di Zucca
Cold cuts of “La Mora Romagnola” with Tuscan cheese served with jams€ 22,00Misto di affettati di Mora Romagnola
first meat course
Sauteed gnocchi with asparagus tips€ 12,00Gluten free € 12,00 - Gnocchi con Punte di Asparagi
Chitarrine with Bolognese Ragù (Typical pasta )€ 12,00Gluten free € 12,00 - Chitarrine al Ragù Bolognese
main meat dishes
Stir-fried seitan and tofu with crispy vegetables (Celery, Carrots and Fennel)€ 16,00Seitan e tofu saltati in padella
Milanese turkey cutlet with french fries€ 15,00Gluten free € 15,00 - Cotoletta con Patate Fritte
Grilled beef steak coarse salt and rosemary (gr 360)€ 28,00Gluten free € 28,00 - Tagliata Sale Grosso e Rosmarino

side dishes
Stir-fried Herbs€ 7,00Gluten free € 7,00 - Erbe Saltate in Padella
Bread gluten free€ 1,50Pane senza glutine
Empty piada gluten free€ 2,50Piadina vuota senza glutine
Empty Piadina with e.v.o€ 1,80Piadina vuota Olio e.v.o.
French fries or baked€ 5,50Gluten free € 5,50 - Patate Fritte o al Forno
Grilled vegetables€ 6,50Gluten free € 6,50 - Verdure alla Griglia
Mixed salad€ 5,50Gluten free € 5,50 - Insalata Mista
Big Hamburger of whole caught shrimp€ 16,00Gluten free € 16,00 - Big Hamburger di Gamberi
Big Hamburger (Certified and Guaranteed Italian Beef of 1st choice)€ 14,00Gluten free € 14,00 - Big Hamburger
Big Cheeseburger (Certified and Guaranteed Italian Beef of 1st choice)€ 15,00Gluten free € 15,00 - Big Cheeseburger

dessert cake
Cover€ 3,50
Four shades of chocolate (3 Chocolates made by us and 1 Muffin with vanilla cream)€ 8,50Gluten free € 8,50 - Quattro sfumature di cioccolato
Crepes with nutella or artisan fiordilatte ice cream€ 7,00Gluten free € 7,00 - Crepes alla Nutella o al Gelato
Basket with soft cheese mousse and fruit salad€ 8,00Gluten free € 8,00 - Cestino con Mousse di Mascarpone
Soft cheese mousse with almond crumble and dark chocolate€ 7,50Gluten free € 7,50 - Mousse di Mascarpone con Crumble
Crema Catalana€ 7,50Gluten free € 7,50 - Crema Catalana
Persimmon Bavarian Cream with Crunchy Dark Chocolate€ 7,50Gluten free € 7,50 - Bavarese ai Cachi con Cioccolato
Cooked pear with “Sangiovese” wine and cinnamon with cream ice cream on chocolate cake€ 8,00Gluten free € 8,00 - Pera cotta al Sangiovese